Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Art Fest 2018

A heartfelt thank you to all of the families who attended our Art Fest last week!  The students loved showing you all around the exhibit and pointing out their special work of art.  There are over 600 works of art featured in this show and some collaborative pieces as well (including my fantastic dress the kiddos helped design for me)!  The majority of the show will stay up on display through the Grand Luncheon on June 4th so if you haven't had a chance to come see the work, hopefully you will see it then!  After that event, the work will be coming down and going into the student's portfolios so that they can bring home all of their great treasures home to you!  Thank you for supporting the arts at S.M.S!

Friday, May 11, 2018

3rd Annual ArtFest Next Thursday!

Good Day SMS Art Supporters!  May is in full swing and it feels like the year has gone by in a flash. The art studio here at SMS has been buzzing with projects as we wrap up the school year with our annual art show!  This year's Maker Fest and Art Fest will take place on Thursday, May 17th from 5:30-7:00 PM and during the school day on Friday, May 18th.  This is our big art event which showcases all the artistic efforts of our K-5 SMS students.  Each child will have an artwork on display during the event and the two-dimensional work will be on display through the Grand Luncheon in June.  This truly is the kiddos work at its finest and showcases a variety of mediums from painting, drawing, photography, sculpture and more.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this event:  Hope to see you on May 17th!